Vulnerability: the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally (
This past weekend we celebrated the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For Christians it is known as Easter weekend. I chose not to post anything last week during Holy Week as I find that I need time to reflect on the meaning of this yearly occurrence. For over 60 years, I have heard the same story but wonder how to make it applicable at each point in my life.
So this year, I wondered about Easter being celebrated as a yearly event only or something to be lived out daily? I tend to believe for myself the latter. The power of the resurrection for me is knowing that someday eternal life will be mine with Jesus Christ in heaven. For me, the Easter story is one of hope yet vulnerability.
Why vulnerability? Well if you consider the definition above Jesus knowingly made himself vulnerable in order to surrender to the pain and judgment of the cross. Through that came the resurrection of the body and eventually the ascension to his throne in heaven. Today, my salvation comes from repentance of my sin and belief in a living, resurrected Savior.
In a great article entitled Vulnerability In The Workplace, Lisa Schmidt stated, "Often mistaken for weakness or fragility, vulnerability in the workplace is the root of authentic leadership and meaningful connection. It is the ability to express and expose, in words and behavior, who we really are and what we genuinely think and feel" (
Characterized as a leadership attribute, vulnerability, as American author and researcher Brené Brown, defines it, is “basically uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.”
Truly who wants this type of uncertainty in their leadership skills?
Why would we purposefully open ourselves up to the possibility of harm either physical or emotional?
Just as I choose to be a woman of faith, I also choose to be an authentic leader. Within that realm I make myself vulnerable every day (even here today) by stating my religious preference and my leadership style. I open myself up to the possibility of ridicule, judgment, hurt, and conflict.
Again, why would I chose that?
Because I also believe that by being vulnerable, by sharing my story, by telling my truth, by being open about myself, I build relationships with those I work with, work for, and serve through my work. As an extrovert, I have always been an open book, but with reserve. Those things that made me vulnerable were kept within in fear of someone not liking me. I went along to get along.
Fortunately, through emotional and spiritual maturity I broke away from that thought and found vulnerability to be a freedom in my life. Oh, it doesn't mean my feelings don't get hurt now and then, but I gain more than I lose.
By creating an environment of safety where not only I can be vulnerable, I believe it invites others to be the same. I found this to be true on April Fools Day when my team decided to not play not one, but two jokes on me during a Zoom meeting. It set me up to laugh at myself and with them. Fortunately, someone rescued me by getting to the punch line before too much dignity was lost. The result was a great belly laugh in the midst of a busy work week. While it was at my expense, there was nothing truly lost and everything gained.
Whether you reflect on being vulnerable as a leadership skill, and/or the resurrection of Jesus Christ during this Easter celebration, may you be intentional and true to yourself without fear, without ridicule, and with true authenticity.
What She Said ~ Beverly