THANKSGIVING. Rumi stated, "Wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life."
How ironic this statement is when referencing "feeding" your life during this Thanksgiving week. This time of year is synonymous with feeding the physical self, but the concept of gratitude is the feeding of the soul. It is not something to be celebrated seasonally, but daily.
It's an attitude. It's a change in behavior. It's a choice. It's intentional.
This week we celebrated for the first time in two years an in-house Thanksgiving feast at my place of employment. Our conference room was transformed into a large dining room with family style tables for conversation. The table settings were gold chargers and thanksgiving decor for ambiance. On the two screens that usually host our virtual meetings were turkeys wandering in the fields with the sound of gobbling quietly in the background. It was an opportunity to thank God for our abundance and for the community of people we work with every day.
When I think of gratitude my baseline is faith, family, and work (in that order). When I think of thanksgiving, its being mindful of the things I have and not worrying about what I don't have. What I have is a passion for my work, a love for my family, and an educational journey that allows me to share that gained knowledge with others.
Sarah Sain, CAE wrote in an article entitled, Why Gratitude is an Essential Leadership Skill, that gratitude is a powerful – yet often underappreciated and underutilized – leadership skill that can transform your organization. A number of studies over the years have linked gratitude to happiness, improved health, resiliency, stronger relationships and heightened productivity – even better sleep. So when you cultivate a thankful culture within your organization, you’re creating an environment where your team can thrive.
Gratitude is about appreciating the people behind your organization’s success and acknowledging the contributions they make each and every day. In the midst of deadlines and board meetings, it can be difficult to take the time to stop and offer encouragement or a pat on the back. However, it is well worth the investment and will pay dividends to recognize when a team member has completed a project, overcome a major hurdle or hit a milestone.
In a 2017 Harvard Business Review survey of more than 7,500 managers, 21% said they avoid giving negative feedback. However, even more resisted giving praise, with 37% admitting they don’t provide positive reinforcement either.
Today in a conversation with colleagues we were talking about an encouraging email that came from the next level of management. It was congratulating the fundraising team on a successful fiscal year and what an impact that was going to make on the programs and services provided by the organization. We agreed at the concept of what a little appreciation can do for no cost, except time and intentionality.
So during this season of thanksgiving wear gratitude like a cloak. Put it on every day and when need be share it with someone else. Don't let it sit there, but let it fan the flames of appreciation and adulation in reference to someone else. Recognizing a simple or complex task successfully completed by someone you work with, live with or minister alongside goes a long way in relationship building.
Happy Thanksgiving!
What She Said ~ Beverly