REBUILD. My husband, Doug, is a wonderful do-it-yourselfer. After 43 years of marriage, I still sometimes doubt his project ideas and abilities. For instance, deciding to tear out the gas fireplace in our living room to create an entertainment center with a built-in cabinet and wall-mounted television. I'm a tv stand kind of girl so sometimes I don't see his vision, but I know the change will update our house and conserve on our HVAC system.
Doug is convinced that he can tear out the old and put in the new - a rebuild - as we call it instead of a hot mess. However, the project is not without a day of pounding, drilling, dust flying, noisy tools, and bags of trash being hauled out of the house. I am a visual person so it's hard for me to envision what he wants to do entirely. In one day, we have gone through a design change from dry walling and putting a new tv cabinet in front of it, to building the cabinet into the open box left from the fireplace and mounting the television on the wall to building shelves in the box and adding glass doors. The long-term goal is to make it all "flush" to the wall (carpenter's term).
For me, the bottom line is that I have to trust his vision of this rebuild. I have to believe that he will complete it as promised. I have to trust that he knows what he is doing when capping gas lines (yikes) and I have to encourage him in the whole process. He invests wholeheartedly in his mental and physical plans to please me and make our home efficient. Happy wife...happy his mantra. He is my introvert with big ideas and a courageous plan to carry them through.
He is my Rebuilder.
Have you ever rebuilt something in your life? Maybe not a home improvement project, but maybe a business plan, life goal, project method, or leadership style. You know by now that I am a BIG proponent of leadership skills and leadership style development. I love what learning, reading, listening, conversing, and meditating brings to the leadership table.
I am reading the companion book to the one I mentioned a few weeks ago in my WISDOM blog. It's by Craig Williamson and I unknowingly started the 2nd book without realizing there was a 1st book called Wisdom in Leadership (
While I haven't started yet, I loved in the synopsis what he said about what this book will and won't do. "This book won't solve every problem. But it will help you solve a whole bunch of unnecessary problems that you don't need to face." It will help you rebuild your leadership style through leadership development.
I believe I am a servant/authentic leader—a combination of Robert Greenleaf's servant theory and Bill George's authentic theory. It comes from both family nurture and my innate nature.
The Authentic Leadership model focuses on five distinct qualities (purpose, value, heart, relationships, and self-discipline) that authentic leaders have, or may develop. It’s important to note that these aren’t unnatural characteristics that would make a leader less genuine, but are general ideas that leaders that are authentic fill with their real intentions and beliefs (George).
The Servant-Leader is the servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possessions…The leader-first and the servant-first are two extreme types. Between them, some shadings and blends are part of the infinite variety of human nature (Greenleaf).
Whatever style you believe you are as a leader at least research it, know it, practice it, and live it.
Maybe you don't know who you are as a leader, as there are so many other leadership styles, then research and study each to learn about yourself. Self-awareness is one of the traits of an authentic leader (George).
Here are some considerations for leadership styles:
1) How does your style affect those around you?
2) Does it invoke integrity and trust?
3) Does it encourage others to follow?
4) Does it make you the leader or the boss?
If it's the latter [boss], maybe it's time to REBUILD.
What She Said ~ Beverly