ENDINGS. At the beginning of this year I started a new journey. I developed a website through WIX, prayed about a name, and created a platform called WhatSheSaid2020.com. My desire was to share the knowledge I gained from my doctorate degree (Ed.D), my nonprofit experience, and my passion for leadership development. It also was a place for my voice to be heard.
The name of my company, What She Said, was based on my childhood experience of having something to say and yet being made fun of for saying it. Of being put in a position of leadership, but chided when I led. Of standing up for the underdog, yet called names when I helped. Being Bossy Bev, the name my four brothers gave me, was either something I could be angry at or could embrace. I chose the latter!
A year ago, my goal was to not only provide encouragement through weekly blogs, but also advice and support to nonprofits. For my first blog I called it, "Beginnings," so how appropriate is to call this last one "Endings" as 2021 comes to a close this week.
T.S. Eliot once stated, "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning."
While I reflect on the advice given this past year, it was with pure intentions, based on research, and supported by professionals and scholars who study, embrace, and support leadership development. It was with excitement each week that I shared one word (ENDING.) in hope to titillate someone to stop a moment to absorb a few words of challenge, knowledge, or change.
Out of one of my favorite sayings to "be the change that you wish to see in the world," by Gandhi, What She Said was created. It was influenced by the words of Michelle Obama when she stated,
"I decided I wasn't bossy, I was strong. I wasn't loud.
I was a young women with something important to say!"
This past year has been amazing in so many ways. I have increased my professional network, have continued research on leadership development, and have shared both my personal and professional feelings in a safe environment that I pray has encouraged, mentored, and inspired others.
As I contemplate this new year (2022), I desire to strategize new goals both professionally and personally. Within those plans I need to allow time for myself. I need to plan adventures, books to read, and blogs to write.
Of the 52 weeks this past year, I only missed two weeks of blogging.
This year has started out already with the discovery of a new office calendar called, "That's What She Said. Inspiring Words by Outspoken Women." I know each day will inspire me as I realize I am not only Bossy Bev, but an outspoken woman that has something to say.
I hope you join me in this second year's journey by reading my blogs every Friday.
They are for you as well as for me.
May God bless you this new year. May our endings be new beginnings.
What She Said ~ Beverly