COURAGE. The treasures within me have taken a long time to come out. As a young leader, I had no idea what I was doing so I wondered how could I lead others when I can't lead myself? I needed courage to learn from others, situations, difficult times, and introspectiveness to find those treasures.
What are my treasures?
A desire to learn. Connectiveness to others. Finding my passion. Loving my family. Belief system.
Learning has come through an amazing and difficult education journey. Achieving a doctorate degree at 60 years old is not for the weak of heart or mind.
Connecting to those I work with, play with, and live with is important in relationship building. I am an extrovert who needs the synergy of others. Isolation is torture to me.
My passion is found in my nonprofit work and its mission, but also in leadership development and teaching others about it. Seeing someone else's journey of discovery is exciting for me.
Loving my family including my husband, two adult children and their spouses, and especially my two wonderful and perfect grandchildren is easy. I was born to be a mother and grandmother!
Belief as a woman of faith. Christianity is the culture I grew up in and choose freely.
Courage is found in those around me. Those who are battling health issues with perseverance and bravery. Those who are facing family issues with a spouse or children with tough love and assurance. Those who step out in faith starting a new job, a business, or even retirement. Those who are living life alone due to the death of a spouse or partner with grace and humility. Those who live each day with hope. That is courage.
Maya Angelou stated, "Courage is the most important of all virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently."
In an article titled, What is Virtuous Leadership?, Dr. Cameron Thompson states,
Virtuous leadership is a system and approach to leadership founded on the fundamental belief that leaders are not born, they are trained. And yet, true leadership is not a matter of mere style or technique, but is fundamentally an act of character. Leadership without virtue is no leadership at all, but merely directing and managing. To lead effectively and sustainably must flow from those character strengths called virtues - courage, self-control, justice, and practical wisdom, and in a particular way the virtues of magnanimity and humility (
So stop today and take an inventory of the treasures within you. Now consider if you are utilizing those treasures to their fullest or are you complacent about them? There is a saying, "use it or lose it," so what happens to those treasures if never used? I encourage you to put them to good use at home, work, and play. It only takes a little courage!
What She Said ~ Beverly